book review | beyond the door stories
A Review: Beyond the Door Stories
Title of Work: Beyond the Door: Lost Sci Fi Short Stories from the Nineteen Forties, Fifties and Sixties, Book 26
Author: Philip K. Dick
Dates Read: December 7th - 18th, 2023
Format: Audio, library
Posted: Goodreads, December 18th, 2023
Rating: 3/5
Two or three 4* stories but just as many 2* and the majority were comfortably 3* tales in the end. I don’t think this type of genre anthology was ever meant to be the Greatest Works of the selected author anyway. More to capture a slice of this mid-century era of science fiction, which it has done. I’m mostly blown back by how prolific PK Dick was, just crankin’ these things out for pulp magazines of the time.