book review | blood meridian

1 minute read

A Review: Blood Meridian, or, An Evening Redness in the West

Title of Work: Blood Meridian, or, An Evening Redness in the West
Author: Cormac McCarthy
Dates Read: December 24th - 27th, 2023
Format: Paperback

Posted: Goodreads, December 31st, 2023
Rating: 4/5

Towering at times in the sort of way that makes you crane your neck back, like it’s leaning over and might just topple and crush you. Then vast and hazy. You gotta squint a bit to make out the shapes in the distance. Or maybe it’s only mirage, the mind playing tricks. Brutal, of course. I’m far from the first to say it and it’s true. Maybe no other way to say it. Brutal and violent and relentless. Pull your jawbone off your skull and gouge your eyes out with the sharp end. Bash your brains on a river rock worn smooth in cold waters long before Cain ever displeased a callous god. The buzzards and wolves will fill their bellies after dusk folds into night, a feast of flesh and fallen nothings in a great, flat desert. What remains of you is left to desiccate under a thousand suns. No matter the mechanism, it’s back to dust for you.